options to be known before built
Maximal suture length
We offer three different machine sizes: standard, long, and extra-long. Each one has a different foot-print, wheras the depth and the height are the same:
machine type | longest suture: | machine length: |
standard (7640345540095) | 1.2m - 47" | 2.1m - 83" |
long (7640345541078) | 1.5m - 59" | 2.3m - 90.5" |
extra-long (7640345541092) | 2.5m - 98" | 3.3m - 130" |
retrofittable options:
The finished stiffening section comprises a small transition area of about 1-2mm, as shown in . In this zone the stiffening changes continously from soft to stiffened. After finishing stiffening, the stiffened area is cut either in the middle or with an offset. The offset can by set in each suture recipe.
die length | stiffening section | tip length (symmetrical) |
standard (7640345540156) | 20mm | ≈ 10mm (0.4") |
shortest (7640345541269) | 11mm | 3mm-5mm |
longest (7640345540972) | 3" | ≈ 1.5" (38mm) |
Stiffening dies can be produced in any length between the shortest and longest of above table.
extreme long stiffening (7640345541115)

Extreme long stiffening (up to about half the suture length) is needed to insert a multi-filament suture into laparoscopic pig-tail instruments, as shown in .
is a short movie that shows the transition from untreated braided suture to the extreme long stiffened end. The suture end gets lifted when the stiffend part passes between the fingers. The other end tipping length is also adjustable.
There are two options available:
- software upgrade
- The suture passes slowly through the tipping die. This reduces the speed of the machine to about 1-2 sutures per minute. The tipping will be fastest, if the 3 inch (76mm) heating die is used.
- extra-long heating-die
- Same behavior as the standard machine except that the machine makes stiffenings up to 40cm (15.5“) possible. Stiffening is very fast for one suture: 1-2 seconds.
The software upgrade is a simple solution if only small quantites of long-stiffend sutures are needed (approx. 60 units per hour!). As the suture passes slowly through the heating die, the transition from soft to hard is about half the size of the heating die: for a 3" die, the transition area is about 1.5".
The extra-long-heating die makes the machine about 40cm (15") longer, as the extra-long-die makes up more space.Through its weight it is driven by two motor drives, . Superior heat shielding is build in to get more consitent results for the long stiffening.
A machine equipped with the extra-long-stiffening (either as software or as hardware solution) can still be used to produce both: short and long stiffening.
round-flat-round cutting (7640345540927)

The round-flat-round unit is necessary for sutures which alternativly change shape from flat to round. Due to the manufacturing tolerances, the distance between flat and round changes slightly from suture to suture. Therefore to readjust the cutting parameters after each cut suture. The round-flat-round option detects each change from flat to round () and calculats the stiffening and cutting point. The distance between transition and stiffening can be freely set by the user. Cutting can be done either in the flat or in the round section. The option round-flat-round is retrofittable to an existing machine.

The bar-code reader is highly recommended, in order to avoid human error when entering the suture parameters. Reading the bar-codes sets automatically all parameter-settings necessary for production (top of ). All standard barcode families are readable. Integration in your existing SAP software solution is easy.
Micro-sutures (7640345540965)

Micro-sutures, i.e thinner than USP 6-0, behave differently than thicker sutures. They are elastic like a rubber band and due to the low yield limit they break easily. In order to heat stiffen the micro-sutures-option is required: An additional tensioning bar is built besides the standard tensioning bar. The micro-sutures tensioning bar is actively controlled, which makes it light as a thistledown. The active force on the suture is reduced to a few mili-Newtons to avoid harming the micro-suture. Thie micro-sutures option can be used for sutures sizes USP 10-0 to USP 5-0. With the micro-sutures option intalled, the machine can still cut thicker sutures with the standard tensioning bar. The micro-sutures options expands the range of possible sutures to be cut.
Monofilament and large batch size (7640345540774)

Due to the strong memory effect of mono-filaments, they cannot be manufactured in large quantities with the standard machine. In order to manufacture bundles of mono-filament we offer the active suture collector.
It is also advisable to use an active collector tray, if the machine shall cut entire spools from the beginning to the end. shows the nicely arranged bundle of sutures. The cutting was done during the night, when the factory was closed and all the staff absent.
Machine Calibration
All new machines are delivered from factory with connectors/methods to do following calibration procedures:
Calibration of time is a non-standard option and needs to be ordered separatly.
Time calibration is done with potential-free normally open contacts. A standard electronic stop watch can then be attached through 4mm banana-connectors such that the stiffing time can be measured within a presision of 0.05sec.
Total quality control
To guarantee total quality control and to minimize human error we recommend our quality control tools, like the automated logging of the manufacturing data. A badge system with RFID-reader for user identification and the barcode reader for machine setup.
other options upon demand
TCP/IP communication (7640345540811)
Feedback length control
Feedback diameter control
Robot feeding unit